
Round Five - Suck it up!

I've sparred with a few interesting characters since coming to Jitti's Gym. And I like to think I've been able to hold my own. Its hard to hold back when most of my strategy relies on doing things at 110% - I don't want to hurt these guys. Kinda funny since im so inexperienced - yet i seem to be as quicker on my feet then most of these guys. On the whole it does teach me to take a punch and thats something id like to build.

Sparring Partners
A 6 fight Semi-professional MMA fighter. 5'10 75kg
- patient, good combinations. Somewhat predictable. Methodical. looks for counters.

A 4 fight Irish Muay Thai lightweight. 5'8 65kg
- Great hand speed. slow kicks. good body shots. relentless.

And a few other solid Caucasian Muay Thai enthusiasts. 5'9 80kg
- A brute. Likes to throw knees. Swims into the clinch. Strong!

I can throw my kicks pretty quickly.
I can catch kicks pretty well too and am trying to wire that into my defense.
My Teep sucks.
My clinching is pretty solid so far in comparison.
My defense is a work in progress - although i dont slip nearly enough, i need to loosen up around the waist.
I need to work on my counters to be even more dangerous.
I need to square up better and cover up to prepare for the counters.
Im slowly able to read the openings.

Technique is king and conquers all. Styles make fights!

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