
Badger vs The Scooter

We had hired some scooters to get us about Pattaya. At 175 Baht a day it was a clear bargain as everything is in this town. I had previous experience mountain biking as well as riding in Taipei City a few years back. However, The Badge had no experience in riding a 160cc Scooter and had unfortunate memories of his childhood riding bikes and going head first into the pavement. As you can tell his fortune wasn't about to change!

I gave a few instructions to the very nervous Badge - "Throttle is on your right, Brakes on both handles. Give it a few revs to get the engine going and its as easy as pie". I rode around on my wheels testing the acceleration, brakes and indicators. I hooned up and down the motel driveway as Badge cautiously mounted his steed.
As I was driving by for the 10th time - Badge revved the scooter up and released the brake. Bad Mistake.

The scooter accelerated uncontrollably into the curb and flipped on its side into the bushes. Badge was still on the bike holding on for dear life. In his shock he was still gripping onto the throttle and the engine roared as it lay on its side, ontop of the Badge. I was in shock and kept yelling at the Badge to "LET GO!" LET GO!" LET GO!" The entire neighborhood heard me screaming out to the Badge as he was trying to drive into the wall. VRROOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I watched with jaw dropping astonishment as the Bike was almost spinning on its side and the Badge was in physical shock. Body was not communicating with mind at this point. and the Bike was revving ..... I was also paralyzed by what was going on as I couldn't believe my eyes... In hind sight i should of leapt off my steel steed and pulled the Badge off the Screaming Scooter...

Finally -after maybe 10 seconds, he released the throttle and the scooter stopped.

Calm was returned to the night. I was simply dumbfounded.

Thankfully there was no major damage and the Badge was able to walk away from this accident with a few scratches and a bruised ego.

Badger 0 vs Scooter 1.

1 comment:

Badger said...

That Badge guy sounds like a truely awesome guy, not at all accident prone.