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It was the night before Xmas ...and I was stuffing my face with food to celebrate the Xmas Eve. I knew this wasn't a good idea as I had to attend Xmas Lunch the next day and I had a fight scheduled on Boxing Day. Its quite ironic isnt it! After stuffing my face with yummylicious xmas treats, Beer, Wine, Ice Cream and Cakes I was NOT ready to fight. I lay in bed most of Sunday in an attempt to digest and conserve energy. I was very flat and I didnt want to eat a thing as that would certainly slow me down. I decided to join the guys at the movies - we went to see Little Fockers - The kind of movie that borders on funny and not mass hilarity. I was feeling quite nervous because of my physical state.

I wasnt thinking too hard about my fight - I was only most curious about my opponent. I weighed in at 73kgs and discovered I would fight someone at 75kgs. I take on all challenges. I switched on my focus goggles where I try to tune my mind to my body and prepare myself for the action. I had my Bro in my corner and the Badger helping out as well. Seano, Yong and Ass decided to watch as well so it was a good vibe.

I have been training 4 times a week for the past two weeks at a high intensity so I knew I was better prepared for this fight. I like to put pressure on my opponent and my mentality is to get in and out and close the distance as much as possible. Watching Videos from the 1st fight I knew I hadnt used my hands as much as I liked. I watch alot of K-1 and its all hands and then legs. I need to do the same. I was also inspired by GSP's victory over Koscheck and wanted to make sure I utilised my jab to setup the fight.

It was interesting that as soon as I jumped into the ring I was calm and ready to go. It wasnt until about 10 seconds into the fight that I woke up. After the first kick I was like alright, we have a fight on our hands. I felt he was probably faster than me but he definitely wouldn't have the right angles or length over me. He was a tough kid but the fight wouldn't last 2 rounds and was over in 35 seconds.
He had a bloody nose and mouth and was stunned a few times in the fight. I unleashed a few good knees into his stomach and some flush jabs and hooks which I was happy with.
Like Kenny Florian always says - I FINISH FIGHTS!

Things to note in training for my next fight -

  • Hit and reposition and hit again. Keep defenses up and dodge back or to the side.
  • Maintain Range and balance to execute good hits. 
  • Use different methods to setup shots.

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